Newsletter Editor Jane Weiss
15 April 2024 through 16 April 2024: University Faculty Senate Election
The election for KCC representatives to the University Faculty Senate will take place starting today, 4/15, at 9am and close tomorrow, 4/16, at 5pm. This year we will be electing four senators and two alternates. Go to this link to submit a nomination:
The mission of the UFS is to “represent the entire faculty in shared governance on all matters relevant to the educational interests of the University.” Serving on the UFS is an opportunity to work with colleagues from across CUNY on issues that go to the heart of CUNY’s work as an educational institution. All full-time and part-time faculty are eligible to vote and run in this election. Please nominate yourself or your colleagues to serve on this important CUNY-wide faculty governance body. Your service for the good of the university will be much appreciated. The term for Senators is three years. Alternate senators serve in that position for one year. You can find out more about the positions of Senator and Alternate here:
Full information about eligibility and how to vote has been sent to your KCC email account.If you have any questions or run into any issues voting, please email [email protected].
16 April 2024: College Council Meeting at 3:00 PM in U219
The College Council will meet Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 3:00 PM in room U-219. All members of the College community are welcome to attend. The Agenda for the meeting is posted on the College Council web page The Minutes from the March 26, 2024 meeting can be found here: .
As included on the Agenda, Nominations and Election of three Faculty members for the Presidential Search Committee will take place at this meeting. An email with information about eligibility and the election process has been sent to your KCC email account.
18 April 2024: Book Talk: Joanna Stein on k. d. Lang’s Ingenue
Joanna Stein would like to invite you to her book talk on Thursday, April 18th, from 3 to 4 p.m. via Zoom. She’ll chat and read from her 33 1/3 series book, k.d. lang’s Ingenue:
While the event will be held on Zoom, Joanna is excited to add a bit of creativity to the virtual experience. A flier with a QR code for the Zoom link has been sent to your KCC email address. And for those interested, she’ll be hosting the session live from her shared office, C-328, and she welcomes anyone who wants to sit in to help her create a “tiny desk concert” effect.
Friday 19 April 2024 and 24 May 2024, 10:00-12:00: Professional Development Session: What Students Told Us: Understanding and Building on our Fall ENG12 Student Survey
A message from Hope Parisi:
Last fall, via the initiative of our composition program coordinators, Rachel Ihara and Greg Bruno, two surveys went out to all students in ENG1200 and 12A0, one at midterm and one after the semester was over. The midterm survey asked students about how they saw themselves as writers, how they were doing so far in ENG12, and what kinds of things were contributing, or not, to their success. The survey for students after the semester was over asked how they did in the class and the things that helped or impeded their success. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness recently helped us to analyze the results, and we would like to share this report with you. Rachel will lend first-hand perspective, but we greatly need English faculty input as well.
Let’s discuss: Do these results from the recently completed ENG 1200 and 12A0 student surveys match your experiences and impressions of students’ struggles? What strategies can we brainstorm to best respond to this information?
Join us for a professional development session, Friday, April 19, and May 24, 10am-12noon, on Zoom, paid for part-timers and open to all. Come for one or both sessions (and appreciate the productive overlap!) Here is the Zoom link for the upcoming Friday, April 19 session at 10am. Hope to see you there!
Meeting ID: 862 4427 5131 Passcode: 600811
C309 Closure During Spring Recess
Please make a note that the English Department office will function remotely from April 22, 2024 through April 30, 2024; during that period, which is Spring Recess at KCC, C309 will be closed and the best way to reach the office will be via email.
David B. Silver Scholarship Poetry Competition 2024
Student entries are invited for the David B. Silver Poetry Competition. The deadline for submission of entries is Sunday, April 28, 2024. Rules for competition: Only KCC students may participate; each student may submit a maximum of two entries; poems must be fifty lines or fewer; all entries must include the student’s full name, address, telephone number, and email address. Entries should be emailed to [email protected] The poems will be judged on these criteria: originality of perspective; appropriateness of English language, form, and content; evocative trigger of emotional reaction; economical use of language. Awards: First Prize: $500; Second Prize: $300; Third Prize: $200. The David B. Silver Scholarship Faculty Committee will evaluate all entries. Awards will be presented during the KCC Awards ceremony on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Questions about the poetry competition should be directed to: [email protected]
Writing Center Asynchronous Tutoring
A message from Tony Iantosca:
The writing center’s new asynchronous tutoring program begins this week. Tony has sent the sign-up instructions for asynchronous tutoring, (which can also be used to sign up for regular tutoring) to English department faculty members at your KCC email. As Tony mentioned in the announcement last week, the Writing Center will pilot the asynchronous program with students in English 12 and 24 and later expand this initiative to all students seeking help with writing. This tutoring format is open to all English 12 and 24 students, not only those enrolled in asynchronous English courses. In addition, the KLC’s website has a set of new handouts, with more to come (especially research related handouts). Typically, the tutors and Tony develop these during the summer and winter modules when tutoring is less busy. Here is the link to those handouts:
Composition Coordinators Office Hours for Spring 2024
The English Department’s composition coordinators are available on campus and on Zoom this spring:
Gregory Bruno ([email protected]):
Tuesdays in C309B: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (later on Dept. and CRC meeting dates)
Wednesday in C309B: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
And by appointment via Zoom:
Rachel Ihara ([email protected])
Tuesdays in C309B: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Thursdays in C309B: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Fridays, 9:00 am – 11:00 am and by appointment via Zoom:
Faculty Mentor and Support Hours in E219
A message from Hope Parisi:
Hope Parisi will be in E219 this semester, available for informal chats with new and experienced part-time faculty, and all faculty, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:40pm-2:30pm, with more availability by phone or Zoom according to wish or need. Please come by this welcoming environment if you’re on campus. Hope’s email is [email protected].
English Department Protocol for Faculty Absences
A reminder of the department protocol when you cannot meet your students during a regularly scheduled class meeting, whether in-person or online synchronously: You must report all absences to our department immediately, ideally before the class session that you will miss. Please send an email to Shelly Benjamin (please cc Christine Marchese), who will initiate the absence paperwork process for you. Please be advised that it is against CUNY and NYSED policy for a faculty member to modify a course’s modality during a semester, so it is not acceptable to meet students online, whether synchronously or asynchronously, when you cannot meet them in person. In such a case, you must cancel class and take an absence for that class period.
When you know in advance that you must be absent, remember that you can contact Shelly Benjamin and request that she try to find another faculty member who can sub your class for you. Please do not arrange for a sub on your own because many of our faculty members are at their maximum hours for the year and cannot be paid more for additional teaching hours.
A Note about the Newsletter
A message from Jane Weiss, the Newsletter editor:
The next issue of the Newsletter will come out on Monday 6 May 2024. Please send newsletter items by Friday 3 May 2024 to Jane Weiss at [email protected]. Please keep items brief (preferably 100 or fewer words). Longer items will be abridged. Many faculty members would like to learn more about colleagues’ areas of scholarship, so if you would like to share what you’re working on, the Newsletter will welcome descriptions of your research and recent or upcoming presentations, publications, and performances of all kinds.