Brightspace Transition Update: 3/13/24

Hi everyone,

I am writing to provide some updates about the transition to Brightspace.  

  • This is the umpteenth email you have received about the upcoming Brightspace Town Hall, but I want to give you one more.  There will be a virtual KCC Brightspace Town Hall tomorrow, 3/14, at 3 pm.  It will be hosted by Provost Russell, Dean Alley-Young, and Loretta Brancaccio Taras of KCel.  It will provide you with updates about our upcoming transition to Brightspace and the opportunity to ask questions.
  • To attend, you must register here: 
  • You have received a few emails from Loretta Brancaccio Taras about opportunities to review your migrated courses in Blackboard.  I have done this already and found it very helpful, so I recommend that you try it too.  There are still spots left, so if you are interested, please sign up here: Brightspace Course Migration Sign up sheet.xlsx
  • The only trainings offered to us thus far have been CUNY-wide, but KCC is planning its own series of trainings that will begin in April.  These trainings will be in person and through Zoom.  
  • In the comments area of a previous post, I was asked whether our Fall 23’ courses would migrate along with all of the other ones that have already done so.  The answer is “yes.” They did not migrate earlier because the migration process began while the Fall 23 semester was still underway. But you can expect them to show up in your Brightspace in the next week or two.  

I hope that everyone has at least logged into brightspace ( and had a look around. I know that we are all busy and Fall 24 seems far off, but it is a good idea to spend a bit of time playing around with the site and experimenting with the different functions.  This way, when our KCC trainings begin, we will already have some knowledge of the site and be able to ask good questions.

Please comment below with any questions.  Thank you!

