CRC March 12 meeting minutes

CRC Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2024


3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Present: Steven Amarnick, Gregory Bruno, Matthew Gartner, Tony Iantosca, Rachel Ihara, Maxine Krenzel, Laura Nadel  Megan O’Neill, Hope Parisi, Daniel Perrone, Mike Rozza, Sara Rutkowski, Carl Schlachte, Emily Schnee, Tisha Ulmer, Donna-lyn Washington, Sheri Weinstein, Joshua Wright 

Greg made a few announcements: 1) part-timers timesheets go to Shelly; 2) we’ll be in D112 for the remaining whole group meetings: Tuesday May 7th (small group check-in); Thursday May 30th (presentation of findings)

We started by reviewing the feedback from the department on our revisions to the Comp II course learning outcomes and course description. CRC members voted on the following small changes:

  • Removing the word “basic” before “rhetorical concepts” in the CLOs and description.
  • Changing the word “builds” to “extends” in the course description.
  • NOT to change “craft” to “process” in the CLOs

We then discussed how to address the other two issues raised and revised the wording of a poll to go out to all faculty. This survey will remind faculty of two points of discussion from the March 5th meeting (absence of the phrase “information literacy” and the reference to “academic and public” writing) and then ask if these need to be discussed further or if they are ready to vote.

We then moved on to participant input from the last fall meeting. Greg shared results of a survey on participants preferred mode of meeting and areas they would like to work on in small groups. Most people wanted some small groups as well, so April will be devoted to approximately 6 hours of small group work/meetings.

These were the areas people identified as the most interesting in the poll:

  • AI 
  • Brightspace transition
  • Developing teaching resources for Comp II
  • Civic engagement in Comp II
  •  Alternatives to ALP

Members broke into groups based on their chosen area of interest and met to plan next steps. The small groups then briefly shared their plans with the rest of the CRC. No one chose Brightspace this time. (Apologies in advance about any mistakes in names or plans noted below.)

Teaching and AI (Matthew, Steve, Sheri, Tony, Emily, Hope): This group will be considering both practical teaching matters, such as activities using AI and what to do to handle AI use, and the larger implications of AI.

Developing teaching resources for Comp II (Maxine, Rachel, Donna-lyn, Laura, Megan): the group will review current materials for Comp I to see what needs to be moved, revised, or duplicated for Comp II. They will also poll faculty teaching Comp II now to see what they do and if they’d be willing to share resources. 

Civic engagement in Comp II (Greg, Joshua): the group will start by defining key terms (e.g. civic, public) and look into different ways CE courses are taught here and elsewhere.

Alternatives to ALP (Carl, Daniel, Tisha, Sara): the group will start by (re)reading the Peter Adams article about ALP and looking at ways that ALP is structured across CUNY. Eventually, the group hopes to develop teaching resources for the supplemental instruction hours.

Final notes: Small groups will meet and/or do work adding up to no more than 6 hours before the next meeting. Greg will check in mid March. Part time faculty should be sure to log hours and submit timesheets to Shelly.