CRC Meeting Minutes for May 7, 2024


CRC Meeting #3 Minutes
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Room: D112
Present: Steve Amarnick, Greg Bruno, Matthew Gartner, Tony Iantosca, Rachel Ihara, Maxine Krenzel, Laura Nadel, MaryLynn Navarro, Megan O’Neil, Hope Parisi, Daniel Perrone, Mike Rozza, Sara Rutkowski, Carl Schlachte, Emily Schnee, Joshua Wright, Tisha Ulmer

The meeting began with Greg reminding part-timer participants in the CRC that timesheets go to Shelly and they should log 12.5 hours for the full semester

Then, subgroups were allotted about 30 minutes to discuss their projects to date.

Subgroups described work so far and discussed plans for the remaining weeks. Presentations were in the following order:

Developing Comp II resources aligned with the newly-approved CLOs to be posted on the Comp website: Began with a review of Comp I materials and website reorg; Just sent out a call to faculty for materials

ALP at CUNY and alternatives to ALP: Began by mapping the process by which students are placed into ALP and into other pre-Comp I programs (ESL, CLIP, Immersion); gathering information about the PI; Next steps: looking at ALP resources on the comp website

Civic Engagement: Completed a review of the current materials on CE on the KCC website

AI and Comp: Broke into two groups based on generally optimistic and less-optimistic attitudes toward the effects of AI on teaching and learning (found they moved toward each other); emphasis on the affective aspect of teaching in the age of AI

NOTE: Our last meeting will be Thursday May 30th at 3pm, when groups will present an update on their work.