October 3, 2022 English Department Newsletter

Newsletter Editor Jane Weiss

Academic Calendar

            Classes will not meet on Tuesday, 4 October 2022, or Wednesday, 5 October 2022, for Yom Kippur. The College is closed on Monday, 10 October 2022 for Indigenous People’s Day/Columbus Day.

WN Grade Reversals

            If in your Verification of Attendance rosters you accidentally marked a student as Never Attended who actually has participated in the class, you can reverse the WN grade by completing this form:  http://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/registrar/registrar_forms.html . Log in using your KCC email address (in firstname.lastname format) and the password you would use for your office computer (not your CUNYfirst password). Select your department chairperson, the appropriate class, and the student. Sign the form electronically by typing your name.

Course Syllabi For English Department Office

         Please send copies of the syllabus for each of your courses to Shelly Benjamin ([email protected]) or leave a print copy in the file holder on her desk in C309.

Composition Office Hours

Office hours in C309B:

Greg: Mondays and Wednesdays, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm;

Rachel: Mondays and Wednesdays, from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

Remote office hours:

Greg: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 am to 10:00 am:


Rachel: Fridays, 9:00 am to 11:00 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5834566892

Upcoming English Department Meetings

            The English Department will meet on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 3:00 PM-4:30 PM (with the English Department Bylaws proposals as the focus); and Tuesday, November 29, 2022 3:00 PM-4:30 PM.

CRC Meeting Dates for Fall 2022

A message from Greg Bruno and Rachel Ihara:

            As of this year, CRC Meetings are open to the entire Department, although only committee members may vote. Here are the dates for upcoming meetings:

         Tuesday, October 18th, from 3pm-4:30pm

         Tuesday, November 22, from 3pm-4:30pm

         Tuesday, December 13th (Reading day), from 11am-1pm

Keycard Access for Locked Classrooms

A message from Greg Bruno:

            For faculty who need keycard access to computer labs: Kindly write to Elsie Quiles with the following information: the room number(s), day(s) and EMPLID. She will be able to program your card for access to your classroom.

Campus Reopening Hub

KCC Information Technology Services Office

            For information about KCC’s reopening, visit the new KCC Campus Reopening Hub: http://kbcc.cuny.edu/campusentry/index.html . You can find information about the reopening plan, mask policies, on campus COVID-19 testing, the Cleared4 pass and visitor policies.

            You can call KCC’s ITS Help Desk at (718) 368-6679 or email [email protected] 9:00 – 5:00 on weekdays. For Blackboard support during hours when KCC’s Help Desk is not available, call 1-646-664-2024

CUNY Alerts

         To receive notifications by phone, text, or email regarding campus conditions, sign up for CUNY Alert by logging on to CUNYfirst. Once you have logged on, the CUNYfirst Main Menu will be near the top of the screen on the left side. Click CUNY Alert Subscription to sign up; you can update contact information at CUNY Alert Preferences. You can check KCC’s home page www.kbcc.cuny.edu/ for updates about campus conditions.

A Note about the Newsletter  

             The next issue of the Newsletter will come out on Tuesday 11 October 2022. Please send newsletter items by Friday, 7 October 2022 to Jane Weiss at [email protected]. Please keep items brief (preferably 100 or fewer words). Longer items will be abridged.