11 November 2024 News Editor Jane Weiss
English Department Meeting 12 November 2024 3:00-4:30
The English Department will meet on Tuesday 12 November 2024 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM in V219. The agenda includes: Approval of past minutes and current agenda; Announcements & updates; Updates on Spring 2025 course caps – enrollment phase-in plan; redistributed ASAP designations; Discussion – English Syllabus Policy Proposal – Annie; Advisement Presentation- Asst. Dean Chanel Bishop; English Department Assessment Work AY 2024-25 – Jane. If you have any announcement items that you’d like Annie to add to the agenda, please send them to Annie by 1pm tomorrow.
Winter and Summer Immersion Courses
A message from Annie:
Annie would like to introduce Andrea Gabbidon-Levene, KCC’s new Director of Pre-matriculated Programs, who is now overseeing CUNY Start and Immersion programs at the college. In the past, our department had a part in assigning faculty members to teach winter and summer courses in the Immersion program. Andrea and I met and agreed that, beginning with winter 2025, she would take over all responsibility for staffing those courses. Therefore, if you are interested in teaching in the winter Immersion program, please reach out directly to Andrea at <[email protected]> to let her know that you are interested. She can also answer any questions you may have about the program’s schedule and policies.
Faculty Initiative on Teaching Reading Fall 2024 Seminar 15 November 2024 at 11:00 AM
Join our annual conversation on the role of reading in the college classroom. Dr. Leigh Garrison-Fletcher and Dr. Lucy McNair of LaGuardia Community College will give presentations, “Promoting Language-aware Pedagogy across the Curriculum.” on November 15th, 2024 at 11:00 AM.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85492419157?pwd=4cxEwXB0om4KrvgwgNijWgCmI5MGxh.1
Meeting ID: 854 9241 9157 Passcode: 212909
Call for Applications: Faculty Initiative on Teaching Reading Spring 2025 Collaborative Seminar
Kingsborough faculty are invited to apply for one of ten openings in the Winter-Spring 2025 virtual FITR Collaborative Seminar on the Teaching of Reading. The deadline for applications is Friday, December 6th. The cohort of faculty involved will:
· Discuss scholarship on teaching college reading
· Explore ways to teach challenging, college-level texts
· Explore ways to integrate reading into coursework across
· Share existing successful practices
· Experiment with developing new approaches to using reading in our own
Seminar participants will have the opportunity to observe virtual synchronous, asynchronous, or in-person class sessions on reading and collaborate on creating reading related lessons. Those who wish to publish about this work will also receive support. Each participating faculty member will receive one credit hour of reassigned time or the equivalent in pay.
In order to apply, faculty must commit to the following:
1. Attend all virtual collaborative seminar meetings on the following dates:
Thursday, January 16th from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Thursday, February 6th from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Thursday, March 13th from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Thursday, April 10th from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Thursday, May 8th from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
2. Develop a reading lesson or activity to try out and report back on. The focus of this work will be shaped by participants’ own interests and classroom goals (or outcomes).
3. Participate in one classroom intervisitation (synchronous, asynchronous, or in-person) in Spring 2025.
4. Write a brief reflection on your semester’s work.
To fill out the brief application, please clickhere
For more information on FITR and our activities, visit the FITRKBCCwebsite or feel free to email Emral Devany ([email protected]), Joanna Maulbeck ([email protected]), or Joanna Agnello ([email protected]) with any questions.
PSC-CUNY Grant Proposals
A message from Nancy Lee Sánchez-Badillo:
The Cycle 56 PSC-CUNY Grants Proposal System is now open. The Office of Institutional Advancement is here to support you in the development and submission of your application for the Cycle 56 PSC-CUNY grants. As a reminder, the deadline for Cycle 56 applications is 11:59 pm on Monday, December 16, 2024. Please click https://rfcuny.org/gp/welcome.aspx to apply. Kingsborough faculty and staff have a history of success with this process. Last year, KCC applicants had a 77% success rate (27 funded out of 35 applications), with a total of $143,562.70 awarded!
The Research Foundation is holding information sessions (details below). If your schedule conflicts with the workshops, and/or would like to get support in your application, you can arrange a one-on-one session with Raymond Fong. Please feel free to contact him at [email protected], or call 718-368-5940.
The Research Foundation will host a virtual presentation on Friday, November 15th at 12PM:
Meeting ID: 247 633 649 568
Passcode: z2sPfS
As always, we urge you to apply early if possible. The sooner you submit your proposal, the more time Raymond will have to review it and help you to address any issues. Remember, the deadline for Cycle 56 applications is 11:59pm on Monday, December 16, 2023. Please visit https://www.rfcuny.org/rfwebsite/principal-investigators/explore-pre-award-resources/psc-cuny-award-program/ for more details.
GIFTS Workshops: Great Ideas For Teaching Students
The Kingsborough Center for Teaching & Learning is accepting proposals for faculty-led workshops for the 2024-2025 academic year. These 30-60 minute workshops will be part of the GIFTS Workshop Series (Great Ideas For Teaching Students) and should highlight a pedagogical approach, assignment, practice, or tool that instructors have used, and have found success with, in their classrooms. Workshop proposals that explore civic engagement, equity-based teaching practices, and fostering community in the classroom are of particular interest.
Faculty will receive a $250 stipend for their workshop facilitation and presentations. Workshop proposals will be reviewed and programmed on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.
Faculty with questions should contact the Director of the Kingsborough Center for Teaching & Learning, Professor Ryan McKinney, with any questions, and proposals can be submitted here.
A Note about the Newsletter
A message from Jane Weiss, the Newsletter editor:
The next of the Newsletter will come out on Monday 18 November 2024. Please send newsletter items by Friday 15 November 2024 to Jane Weiss at [email protected]. Please keep items brief (preferably 100 or fewer words). Longer items will be abridged. Many faculty members would like to learn more about colleagues’ areas of scholarship, so if you would like to share what you’re working on, the Newsletter will welcome descriptions of your research and recent or upcoming presentations, publications, and performances of all kinds.