Newsletter Editor Jane Weiss
Full Time Faculty: Spring 2024 Course Requests Due Today, 15 May 2023
Course request forms for Spring 2024 have been sent to full-time faculty KCC email addresses; please return the forms to Bailin Song ([email protected]) as soon as possible, but no later than Monday, May 15, 2023 – today.
Nominations for KCC College Council Monday 15 May 2023 – Tuesday 16 May 2023 (until 8:59 PM)
The system for nominating candidates for the KCC College Council is now open, and two English Department colleagues, Emily Schnee and Stephen Armstrong (usually known to us as Rick Armstrong) have invited us to nominate them. Here are instructions for nominating: 1. Go to 2. Click GO on the voting picture. Then sign in with the same login and password that you use to access your KCC campus computer and email (NOT your complete email address or “inside kingsborough” login). Your correct Login is your First Initial + Last Name (so George Washington would be GWashington) and you should physically type in your correct password, not the browser Autofill. 3. Click “log on” or hit the Enter key on your keyboard. 4. Click VOTE NOW on the next screen. You will automatically be guided to the proper election for which you are eligible. 5. Follow the onscreen instructions to see your ballot, type in nominations, and submit your choices. Please read the instructions carefully, especially making sure that you type in your nomination AND also click the little checkbox by the name before you submit..6. After typing in your nomination, confirm your vote by following the instructions, and you should be told that your entry was accepted. Follow the final instructions. The whole process should take five minutes or less, and you can vote via any device that lets you access the internet.
Still have any questions or problems voting? Email [email protected] or email Mike Sokolow at [email protected] . You can also leave a phoner message at 718-368-5261 and it will ping Mike Sokolow’s email. If you have a problem logging in to nominate, you need to inform Mike AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Words Wise: Creative Writing Fair Wednesday 17 May 2023, 11:45-3:00
The Creative Writing Program will be hosting its third Creative Writing Fair! Featured will be three student-centered, interactive sessions highlighting fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction!
All students, faculty, and staff are welcome! Feel free to bring your classes or just stop on by to see what we’re all about.
What: Words Wise: A Creative Writing Fair
When: May, 17, 2023
Where: U-220/Hall of Flags (above the cafeteria)
Time: *11:45am – 3:15pm
*Flyer reads start time as 11:30 because there was a slight change after it was created. Folks mat certainly show up at 11:30, too.
Live-streaming, light refreshments and swag available.
Source Use Part 2: Styles for Blended Voices: Professional Development Session Friday 19 May 2023 at 2pm
A Message from Hope Parisi, Faculty Mentor: A few weeks ago, we addressed research and source use in line with students’ purposes for writing and the ENG 12 CLO, “Compose texts that integrate the writer’s ideas with those of other texts.” We saw that a wide range of sources is possible when students are clear about the ideas they want to support, in a process that also centralizes them and their communities as creators of knowledge. Still, there is more to consider when it comes to demonstrating and validating a style for blending voices.
On Friday May 19 at 2pm by Zoom, we’ll share ideas on how students reference the sources they have chosen, whether for pinpointing the main idea, sharing an example from it, looking closely at wording to analyze language choice, or elaborating a theme, among others. How do we incorporate the variety of ways for demonstrating one’s research? Adjunct faculty attending this professional development opportunity will be paid for their time.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 899 0741 1637 Passcode: 384352
Faculty Mentor and Support Hours in E219
Hope Parisi will be in E219 this semester, available for informal chats with new and experienced part-time faculty, and all faculty, on Wednesdays, from 1pm – 3pm, with more availability by phone or Zoom, along with Tuesdays as another on-campus day. Please come by this welcoming environment, on Wednesdays, if you’re on campus, or get in touch for a time convenient for you.
Zoom Event: Boy with the Bullhorn: A Memoir and History of ACT UP! NYC Monday 22 May 2023, 11:30-12:30
In recognition of Pride month, Safe Zone invites all to an on-line event! A L L are welcome: Faculty, staff, students! Feel free to bring your class, too!
When: May 22, 2023
Time: 11:30 – 12:30pm AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Boy with the Bullhorn is an immersive, chronological history of the New York chapter of ACT UP, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, and a memoir of the coming of age and activist education of a nice gay Jewish theater queen during the darkest years of the AIDS epidemic. It offers an intimate look into the group’s tactics and strategies as ACT UP successfully battled politicians, researchers, drug companies, religious leaders, the media, and an often-uncaring public to change the course of the AIDS epidemic. Combining personal accounts with diligent documentation, Boy with the Bullhorn captures the spirit of ACT UP and the adrenaline rush of activism―the anger and grief, but also the humor, love, joy, and camaraderie.
Ron Goldberg is a nice gay Jewish theater queen turned activist and writer. Ron joined ACT UP in 1987, and for the next eight years, chaired committees, planned protests, led teach-ins, facilitated weekly meetings, and, participated in over a hundred zaps and demonstrations, earning the title of ACT UP’s unofficial Chant Queen. Ron is the winner of the Publishing Triangle 2023 Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction and a finalist for the 2023 Lambda Literary Award for Gay Memoir/Biography for his book, Boy with the Bullhorn: A Memoir and History of ACT UP New York. Ron’s articles have appeared in OutWeek and POZ magazines as well as The Visual AIDS Blog and LGBTQ Nation. Ron served as research associate for filmmaker and journalist David France on his award-winning book, How to Survive a Plague, and enjoys speaking with students and activists about activist strategies, the history of AIDS, and the lessons and legacy of ACT UP.
Register in advance for this meeting:
To RSVP or for more information, contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Composition Coordinators Spring 2023 Office Hours
Gregory Bruno:
Tuesdays in C309B: 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm
Wednesdays via Zoom: 10:30 am – 12 :30 pm
Thursdays in C309B: 12:30 – 1:45 pm (
Rachel Ihara:
Tuesdays and Thursdays in C309B: 9:00 am – 10:00 am.
Fridays via Zoom: 9:00 am – 11:00 am (
Student Publication Opportunity: Transit(ion), A CUNY Undergraduate Journal
CUNY undergraduates are invited to contribute to Transit(ion): A CUNY Undergraduate Journal! Born out of the CUNY Graduate Center’s English Department, by students DeVaughn (Dev) Harris and Rani Srinivasan, this journal seeks to unite students across the CUNYVerse and facilitate the exchange of knowledge amongst burgeoning critical thinkers. In addition to accepting and publishing work from undergraduate students, Transit (ion)‘s priority is to mentor students throughout the publication process and help them grow as students, scholars, and writers. Transit(ion) welcomes work from students who, in addition to those pursuing careers in academia, may want to work in spaces outside of the academy that also deal with writing writ-large. Above all, publishing work of any kind in an academic journal is an impressive accomplishment. Additionally, as part of its mission, Transit(ion) aims to upend and disrupt (through its editing and mentoring processes) colonial notions of correctness, academic vernacular, technologies of grammar and prioritize the value of critical thinking and the nuanced development of ideas. They hope students can see a home for their writing in this journal as they aim to facilitate the responsible production and exchange of knowledge as well as shine a spotlight on the work of emergent writers.
Here is the CFP, at the Manifold website:! The CFP and the submission form can be found on the Transit(ions) webpage. The editors are looking forward to viewing works that align with the range of topics listed on the CFP and encourage students to use the space of the final stretch of the semester (e.g., seminar/research papers, etc.) to develop their submissions. The editors ask that students submit their work for consideration by June 1st, 2023.
KCC Information Technology Services Office
You can call KCC’s ITS Help Desk at (718) 368-6679 or email [email protected] 9:00 – 5:00 on weekdays. For Blackboard support during hours when KCC’s Help Desk is not available, call 1-646-664-2024.
CUNY Alert
Last week’s KCC water main adventures were a reminder that CUNY Alert can be useful at times. To receive notifications by phone, text, or email regarding campus conditions, including unexpected shut-downs, sign up for CUNY Alert by logging on to CUNYfirst. Once you have logged on, the CUNYfirst Main Menu will be near the top of the screen on the left side. Click CUNY Alert Subscription to sign up; you can update contact information at CUNY Alert Preferences.
A Note about the Newsletter
The next issue of the Newsletter will come out on Monday 22 May 2023. Please send newsletter items by Friday, 19 May 2023 to Jane Weiss at [email protected]. Please keep items brief (preferably 100 or fewer words). Longer items will be abridged. Items about publications and achievements are very welcome.