Applications for English Academic Coordinator of the Kingsborough Learning Center (KLC) Due 31 May 2024
Annie del Principe invites full time faculty who would like to apply to be the English Academic Coordinator of the Kingsborough Learning Center to email her by May 31, 2024. She has sent out a full role description to your KCC email address. The KLC houses KCC’s “writing center,” which is the area that the English Academic Coordinator oversees. The center also offers tutoring in math and science subjects, which are overseen by other academic coordinators. The English Academic Coordinator is not responsible for the administrative side of the center but, instead, provides academic oversight, guidance, and mentoring for tutors. In addition, the coordinator collaborates closely with the Composition co-coordinators and with the English department chairperson to assess and design new innovations in tutoring offerings.
If you would like to apply for this position, please email Annie by May 31. Please include your current CV and articulate why you feel you are a strong candidate for this position. Annie encourages all interested faculty to apply!
Spring 2024 Final Exam Schedule
Academic Scheduling has published the final exam schedule for this semester. You’ll notice that it’s a somewhat different approach than previous terms. The exam times generally resemble the times that the classes meet during the semester. Please take a moment to review the final exam meeting times for the courses you are teaching and let Annie know if you discover a conflict between any of your courses.
Annual Awards Ceremony Monday 10 June 2024 at 6:30 PM
Please join Kingsborough Community College in honoring our students as we celebrate their accomplishments in the areas of academic scholarship, leadership, and service. The ceremony will be held on Monday, June 10th at 6:30pm in the Leon M. Goldstein Performing Arts Center with a reception to follow afterwards in the MAC Lighthouse.
11 June 2024: English Department Bruncheon
A message from Annie:
Believe it or not, we’re approaching the end of another busy and productive academic year, and it’s time to announce our end-of-term gathering. I’m calling it a bruncheon – combo brunch/luncheon — given the generous span of time we’ll have to chat, mingle, eat, and just generally spend some low-pressure time together at the end of the year. We chose Tuesday of finals week, 11 June 2024, since a high percentage of our English classes are scheduled for their “exam periods” on that day. We’re hopeful that many of you will choose to attend! Once again, I’d like to offer a big shout out to Enid for arranging for catering and logistics for this event – thank you Enid! If you plan to attend, please drop off your cash payment in the English department office for Enid Stubin or Elroy Esdaille – in envelopes in their mailboxes – or with Christine or Shelly. In order to cover costs, we’re asking full-time faculty for $25 and part-time faculty for $10.
KCC Commencement Wednesday 18 June 2024
The Kingsborough Community College Commencement Committee is pleased to announce that the 59th Commencement Exercises will be held in person on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. Please note the Kingsborough’s Commencement is an outdoor ceremony. Speakers and graduates are under a tent, and all guests are seated on chairs set up on the grass surrounding the tent. The ceremony will proceed if there is light rain. If the weather forecast is severe, please call 718-368-6553 on the morning of June 18 for a recorded announcement indicating the status of the ceremony. For questions regarding commencement exercises email [email protected]
A Note about the Newsletter
A message from Jane Weiss, the Newsletter editor:
The next issue of the Newsletter will come out on Monday 3 June 2024. Please send newsletter items by Friday 31 May 2024 to Jane Weiss at [email protected]. Please keep items brief (preferably 100 or fewer words). Longer items will be abridged. Many faculty members would like to learn more about colleagues’ areas of scholarship, so if you would like to share what you’re working on, the Newsletter will welcome descriptions of your research and recent or upcoming presentations, publications, and performances of all kinds.